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Description: Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery IMP PAN RTD Poland www.imp.gda.pl/en/about-institute/
Description: The Institute has been founded in 1956 (with its first organisational structures in 1953). It was destined to conduct fundamental research in the area of principles of operation, design, construction and development of machinery for energy conversion in flows. Presently, the investigations are being carried out in the following fields: fluid mechanics, multiphase flows, thermodynamics and heat transfer, plasma physics, laser technique, machine mechanics, tribology and diagnostics of power sector machinery. In 2008 The Institute was employing 130 people including 77 scientists. The Institute is authorised to award the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences (habilitation) in the field of mechanics, construction and exploitation of machinery.
In its structure the Institute has four departments divided further into 20 scientific groups.
Apart from the fundamental research, the Institute offers its services in the area of practical engineering applications such as: turbines, pumps and hydrokinetic couplings, ventilators, marine propellers, solar collectors; their design, calculation and technical expertise; development of unique equipment and apparatus.
Role: IMP will perform the thermofluid modelling and simulation required to validate the heat exchanger concepts.
PSC Member: Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
Professor J. Mikielewicz started his professional career in 1964 subsequently climbing the ladder of scientific positions starting as a graduate assistant at the Gdańsk University of Technology, and then assistant, research associate, docent, and the full professor at the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery of Polish Academy of Sciences (IFFM PAS). The title of professor in technical sciences was awarded to him by the State Council with the decree of 13 September 1979. In December 1990, on the basis of positively appraised procedure by the Central Qualification Commission, the Academy Secretary called him to the post of the full professor. He had been the Head of the Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Division at IFFM PAS since 1972 up to 1992. In 1992 he was elected by the Scientific Board of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery PAS to the post of Deputy Director for Scientific Issues, and in 1998 to a post of the Institute Director. He has been serving as a President of the Committee for Thermodynamics and Combustion for several years now