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Description: PIMEC - Micro, petita i mitjana empresa de Catalunya PIMEC PIMEC SME AG Spain www.pimec.es
Description: PIMEC represents 200,000 small and medium sized enterprises from the highly industrial region of Catalonia and over 80 SME associations. It was founded with the mission of defending and representing the interests of the SMEs and to be present on all the consultation and debating for of the autonomous, state and European Administrations through the UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). They defend the interests of the SMEs: Institutional Representation, Collective Bargaining, SME Proposals, organisation of symposia and working days, Active participation at authorised fora by the administration, Liaising with the representatives of political parties. They offer services to the SMEs to help them to become more competitive and they are committed to raising their innovation and technological profiles and to this end their participation in the RenewX project is highly synergistic with their activities. Many of our members are involved in the installation, maintenance and design and manufacture of heat pumps and its associated technology and PIMEC as the largest SME association in Spain view the RenewX project as being very timely and of extreme importance to the sector.
Role: PIMEC represents SMEs in solar thermal manufacture and installation as well as in heat pump manufacture and installation. Their role will be to provide the perspective of their membership and their requirements. In addition PIMEC will disseminate project results and will actively encourage members to take up the new technologies.
Participation in the RenewX project will be led by PIMECs dedicated International Innovation Unit which coordinates PIMECs and our members innovation activities.

Director of Innovation: Fran de la Torre

European Projects Office Responsible: Joey Cervera