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Description: TWI: Technology Engineering TWI Ltd TWI RTD UK www.twi.co.uk/technologies/welding-coating-and-material-processing/joining/diffusion-bonding/
Description: TWI is one of Europe’s foremost independent not-for-profit research and technology organisations, employing 482 people with an annual turnover of €47 million. TWI works across all industry sectors with expertise in key aspects of materials and materials joining. The majority of TWI’s activities (65%) are contract research, funded by industry and built around the development of advanced technologies. TWI is also an active participant in collaborative research programmes in Europe and the UK. TWI’s multidisciplinary teams work closely with companies across many industrial sectors internationally in all aspects of product life cycle - from training, innovation, research, knowledge transfer, prototyping design, testing and evaluation, through manufacturing to disassembly and recycling. TWI’s Specialist Materials and Joining are experts in the field of brazing and diffusion bonding.
Role: TWI is one of Europe’s leading R&D organisations in the field of joining technologies. In RenewX TWI will support the prototype production of the selected heat exchanger technologies. Their core expertise in diffusion bonding will be used to create and produce a heat exchanger with the best possible heat transfer characteristics and minimal thermal losses due to the joints. In addition TWI have been asked to act as Project Coordinator, taking care of all the administrative and consortium administrative management tasks on behalf of the SME associations.
PSC Member : Nick Ludford (Coordinator)
Dr. Nick Ludford (principal project leader in the Specialist Materials and Joining (SMJ) group at TWI). He has managed a number of projects investigating the use of brazing and diffusion bonding for heat exchanger manufacture. Relevant experience also includes the management of two UK government funded collaborative projects, one of which is exploring the use of novel battery technology in the low carbon economy. Dr. Alec Gunner (Manager of the group SMJ at TWI). Alec is an active member of HEXAG - a group of organisations involved in the manufacture and use of heat exchangers or with interests in the further development of heat exchanger technology.