Logo Name Acronym Type Country Website
Regent BV Regent BV RGT RTD The Netherlands www.re-gent.nl
Regent fig1Description: Re/gent is an R&D centre and consultancy specialized in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and alternative refrigerants. Re/gent is actively involved in a number of emerging refrigeration technologies. Re/gent was established in 1993 by Martien Janssen and Lambert Kuijpers, both having long term experience in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, for a large part obtained at the Philips Research Laboratories in The Netherlands. The company currently employs 10 consultants/research staff and has its own laboratory facilities, including climate rooms and compressor calorimeters. Re/genT is accredited according ISO 17025 for performing domestic refrigerator testing. Different types of assignments are carried out on behalf of industry and government. Most projects are in the area of low capacity heating and cooling systems such as reversible heat pumps. Next to R&D activities Re/genT designs and delivers complex test systems and as such has gained large experience in building test stands including sophisticated control systems. Re/genT is currently involved in the TERRA THERMA (ground source heat pumps) project which was funded under FP6 and Solaris (development of a solar air source heat pump) funded under FP7.
Role: RGT are a leading independent R&D organisation in the field of refrigeration and renewable energy technologies. They possess climate chambers and wind tunnels required to validate heat exchanger performance. In RenewX RGT will assist with their know-how in the design of multi fluid heat exchangers as well as help validate prototypes in their laboratories.
PSC member: Mr Martien Janssen, Managing Director
Martien spent more than 15 years at the Philips Laboratories in Eindhoven the Netherlands where he worked on Stirling engines, refrigeration systems and heat pumps. In 1994 he started Re/gent with Lambert Kuijpers a former colleague at Philips